Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cracked feet or heels

Cracked feet or heels

Having dry cracked heels and feet is usually due to a lack of attention to your feet.
This dry skin condition is not necessarily dangerous, but can be quite painful, however if the cracks also know has heel fissures, begin to bleed it can lead to infection and then can become dangerous for those with an auto-immune disease or diabetes.

Causes of dry cracked feet. Cracked feet or heels, skin care

• Sling back shoes, or shoes with thin soles.

• Frequently walking bare foot.

• Prolonged standing

• Being overweight.

What happens in these cases is that the heel of your foot expands sideways due to constant pressure resulting in cracked heels.

There are also medical conditions such as: Psoriasis, Thyroid disease, Diabetes and Athlete’s foot that have been known to cause dry cracked feet.

Treatment and Prevention.

• Soaking your feet in warm water, and then using a pumice stone to remove dry skin.

• Moisturize your feet at least twice a day. At night time, wear socks to help the cream absorb better into your dry cracked feet.

• Avoid walking barefoot, and wear shoes that have a strong shock absorption.

• Do not use razor blades to remove the hard skin. It can cause infection and you may end up taking too much skin off.

Home remedies that cure dry cracked feet:

1. Apply the pulp of a ripe banana on the dry or cracked area of the heel. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse it clean.

2. Add ½ cup of baking soda to one gallon of warm water, stir until the baking soda dissolves. Soak your feet about a half hour. After soaking, rinse away the baking soda, and pat your feet dry. Generously apply dry-skin lotion of your choice, and cover them with a pair of clean cotton socks.

3. Socks and petroleum jelly. Doing this over several nights at bedtime, will give you baby-soft soles and rids the feet of dead cells.
posted by Josie Leo at 6:03 PM, | 0 comments